, pub-9781215032747995, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Garage Sales Winnipeg: Pricing Your Garage or Yard Sale Items

Pricing Your Garage or Yard Sale Items

By Ihor Cap
This blog post provides a few useful tips for those that need some reassurance on pricing garage sale items and valuation ranges.
If you Google “garage sale pricing” on the internet you’ll get 29 million hits and probably just as many pricing suggestions.  However, if you are still a little confused or frustrated about this topic, I suggest you read on. You might pick up a few new ideas along the way.

Do Not Overprice Your Sale Items

Price your items appropriately. If I can get what you are selling for less at some local thrift shop or second-hand store, why would I buy it from you? You want to get rid of everything, don’t you?  If you are not sure how to price things, then visit some popular thrift shops in your area to see how they price their goods. Then, sell for less. You can’t go wrong if you price EVERYTHING FOR A BUCK OR TWO in one section, and the better items on the other end of your yard as UNDER $10 DOLLARS.

Garage sales are not just about pricing your items, but setting a price for your items is a must do thing. After all, if you are not going to make some money from your event then you might as well donate it all to charity. There are lots of selling strategies that are offered on the internet that are connected to pricing your items.  Each of them offers a sliver of useful tips to guide you through that experience to achieve your end. Or, you can ask yourself what you would be willing to pay for certain items as the bottom line and use that to guide you on pricing your items, in addition to reviewing prices at your local second-hand and thrift stores.

Pricing Your Items

While there is no single hard and fast rule or strategy on pricing your garage sale items, it does help if you do have one. For example, your used baby or toddler clothing and toys, books, jewelry, VHS and music/audio cassette tapes, and vinyl LP records could go in the buck or two section whereas your adult clothes, shoes, CDs and DVDs, and minor home decor pieces can be displayed in the under $10 dollars section. Create another section for your more expensive items. You may want to sell your used appliances, furniture and electronics or computer goods at 33% of the store price. Mint condition and never used items can go for half the retail price. Attaching a flyer ad or an original purchase receipt to the more expensive sale items can show people that they are getting a good deal.

More Pricing Tips

Reduce your prices as you near the end of your event. Let people negotiate a lower price on whatever goods are left, and the rest, well, donate it to an animal rescue center or some charity. 

Finally, if you are not satisfied with any of the pricing ideas suggested here , and you absolutely must have some fixed price list to guide your garage or yard sale decision making process then look at the Salvation Army’s  Donation Value Guide” web page to determine the value range of all the items listed under such categories as Appliances,  Children’s Clothing, Furniture, Household Goods, Men’s Clothing, Women’s Clothing and Miscellaneous items. The value ranges offered depend on the condition and quality (or brand name) of the goods for sale. You may also want to consult The Valuation Guide For Goodwill Donors for a similar price list of items commonly sold in Goodwill stores.  In the end, pick a strategy that works for you. You can always improve it the next time around.

About the Author:
Ihor Cap is a Web Author and Dad.  He is married, has two wonderful children, owns a dog and a cat, and on occasion, enjoys writing informative articles here and at


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Garage Sale Videos: Quick Tips, Tricks, Techniques & Tutorials, pub-9781215032747995, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0